
Was there a golden compass 2
Was there a golden compass 2

was there a golden compass 2

Inside, Lyra sees Billy Costa, the gyptian child of Ma Costa, and meets at long last with her friend Roger, the kitchen boy from Oxford. She uses a fake name, telling her captors that she's Lizzie Brooks, and pretends to be dim-witted.

was there a golden compass 2

The traders have sold Lyra to what looks like a kind of prison/medical camp. Shortly after, Lyra is captured and spirited away from her friends by traders on the journey north.Īfter Lyra's capture, the setting shifts: we're now at the General Oblation Board's camp in the North, where the board cuts the children away from their daemons. Lyra has Tony buried respectfully with a coin given to him to represent his daemon. Everyone is horrified, especially Lyra and Pan. They find little Tony Makarios, whose daemon Ratter has been replaced by a dried piece of fish. the Gobblers) have been doing to all those children: cutting away their daemons. Lyra and Iorek break away from the main group to visit a small town where they find out just what the General Oblation Board (a.k.a. Lyra helps Iorek get his armor back from the people in the town who have stolen it, and in return, Iorek joins the group on their mission.

was there a golden compass 2

He was exiled from his kingdom after killing another bear in the heat of passion. Iorek is a powerful bear whose soul is his armor. Lyra and friends also stage the daring rescue of an armored polar bear named Iorek. During the pit stop, the travelers recruit Lee Scoresby, a hot air balloonist from Texas, to join their group. This must have something to do with what the Master and the Librarian of Jordan College were talking about in Part 1. On the journey north, the group stops at the witch consulate, where they learn that the witches have long prophesized the coming of a child like Lyra. At the gathering, she meets John Faa and Farder Coram, a gyptian elder who encourages Lyra to learn to read the alethiometer, which she does. Eeek! This revelation messes with her head a bit, but she deals with it. She also finds out from Ma Costa that Lord Asriel is actually her father and Mrs. Coulter and heads north to the gathering of the gyptians. With the help of the gyptians and Billy Costa's family, Lyra escapes from Mrs. Coulter when it becomes clear that she is connected to those nasty Gobblers. Coulter's glamour, but we see that the woman has a dark side when her golden monkey daemon is cruel to Pan. Coulter, but before she leaves Jordan College the Master gives her a golden compass called an alethiometer that once belonged to Lord Asriel. Coulter, a dazzling woman with a golden monkey for a daemon. (The gyptians are a nomadic clan.)Īround this time, Lyra meets Mrs. Sure enough, Lyra's own friend Roger disappears, along with Tony Makarios and Billy Costa, one of the gyptian children. The action shifts, and we find out that children are being kidnapped by a group known as the Gobblers. In an overheard conversation between the Master and the Librarian, it also becomes clear that Lyra is destined to play a part in everything that's unfolding – but what kind of a part? We're still not sure. During this episode, Lyra also foils a plot by the Master of Jordan College to poison Lord Asriel, and her uncle returns to the North. We also find out that Dust develops in children when they get older and their daemon stops shifting and takes on the form of a specific animal.īack to the opening scene, Lyra figures out that Lord Asriel has been exploring the existence of different worlds – not heaven or hell, but worlds just like this one that exist in another dimensions. What is Dust? Well, it's something very, very important in the book, and we later learn that the Church thinks Dust is, more or less, the equivalent of original sin. When the book opens, Lord Asriel has returned from the North, where he has been conducting experiments involving something called Dust. For the most part, though, she is cared for by the scholars at Oxford University, where she is also friends with a kitchen boy named Roger. He's a powerful and sometimes scary man involved with politics. Lyra is an orphan whose parents were killed when she was very young. They live at Oxford University's Jordan College, among scholars and other brainy-types. Meet our protagonist, Lyra, and her daemon Pantalaimon (the shape-shifting animal that is her soul), or Pan for short. The Golden Compass Summary Part 1: Oxford

Was there a golden compass 2